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At Olarak Oynamak - Baskı Önizleme

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At Olarak Oynamak - ak_gandalf - 21-07-2016

Evet beyler ben Ironmanda atla roma imparatorluğunu yeniden kuran birini görmüştüm. Peki nasıl atl olarak oynayabilirim ?

RE: At Olarak Oynamak - Duman - 21-07-2016

Alıntı:When the patch added Glitterhoof as an actual in-game character I’d assumed that the horse trait meant console commands were the only way to interact with him- but, as another user figured out in this thread, there’s a hole in it since it doesn’t block him being nominated as a bishop (this bishop must also be count-level or higher). By nominating him and waiting for the current bishop to die he should spawn some horse culture/ethnicity courtiers of his own (and if you want to be sure of this you can grant him independence)- except they won’t have the horse trait. After that you can grant them land and marry these new courtiers freely, so I just bred my rulers with them until I got an heir with horse ethnicity.

At Olarak Oynamak - Lothebork - 22-07-2016

Denemek lazım aslında güzel fikirmiş.