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[MOD] Total War: Spartacus Rises - Baskı Önizleme

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Total War: Spartacus Rises - Royal Guard - 12-05-2017


Total War: Spartacus Rises

Mod, Roma Cumhuriyeti'ne başkaldıran Spartaküs'ün hayatını konu alıyor.
Başlangıç tarihi : Milattan Önce 73

Ekran Görüntüleri

Önemli Not

Bu mod, Hannibal at the Gates DLC'sini gerektirir!
Mod dilinde sıkıntı olmaması için oyun dili İngilizce olmalıdır.

Alıntı:the SR Team of Pacman, Dresden, Glyphyyy, GrudgeTheDutchman, and Idreaus, are very proud to introduce to you all, Total War: Spartacus Rises. 

The 70s BC for the Republic was a decade of rebellions and turmoil. Ultimately however, the Republic would defeat each of the rebellious threats and saw them away with ease. In SpartacusRises you the player has a chance to recreate History and put down multiple rebellions from Sertorius and Spartacus, and the Berbers and Numidians. Or you have a chance to turn the tide and lead your people to Freedom, or to see Rome's end. Spanning across the mediterranean, rebellions and civil war bring Rome into Turmoil. Choose your side. How will you rebel?

Every conflict has its heroes. So does the third Servile war. Currently the game has a unique model for Spartacus and Crixus (Servile Rebellion) and Quintus Sertorius (Sertorian Rebels). More characters and custom models will follow to bring more authentic battles to this mod. The models can be seen in screenshots above.

Also over 38 unique units have been created for SR. They will be found in screenshots above.

--Playable Factions--
Sertorian Rebels
Servile Rebels
The Berber Kingdom

--NonPlayable Factions--


- Fully compatible with present patch (Patch 16.1).
- Compatible with Radious. 
- Compatible with most of the mods. 
- Compatible with Unit Packs (Most of them won't show in custom battle, but they are in the grand campaign) 
- Compatible with unit reskins 

-Non-English language game settings 
-Must start new campaign. 
-Faction Colours Remastered
-SR is not compatible with other mods that change the HatG startpos 
-SR is not compatible with any TPY mods

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (updated 10/20/2014).
You will need to unzip / send to data folder with image and select in mod manager / also making sure you check the enable out of date mods.

Hosted Now On TWCenter[]



-To download Click on the Green "SUBSCRIBE" Bar below the screenshots to install it. 

Don't forget to Rate, comment and favorite ! :) 

Feedback, Critics, Suggestion and Tips are appreciated! 

**This mod will constantly improve; adding new content and better gameplay experience.**

Total War: Spartacus Rises - GaulTurk - 12-05-2017

Spartaküs'ün konu alındığı mod altın değerindedir.