25-02-2021, 21:21
2000 lirayı akp çocuklarına yedireceğiz yani her türlü, gerçi telefona 3.000 vereceğim toplam 5.000 olacak. almak istediğim telefon şu ve şu an inanılmaz indirimde çıkış fiyatının yarısı
-Good judgment does not guarantee exceptional talent.
-That is correct. But for one with talent and practice, there is no stronger weapon. To perform the best dance,
will she not try harder each time? The path of an artist is to fight oneself in order to beat others.
-That is correct. But for one with talent and practice, there is no stronger weapon. To perform the best dance,
will she not try harder each time? The path of an artist is to fight oneself in order to beat others.