İleti Sayısı: 3,347
Üyelik Yılı: 2015
10-07-2018, 12:37
(Son Düzenleme: 19-08-2018, 18:20, Düzenleyen: Duman.)
EU4'te bu hafta Hindistan'daki yeni kurulabilir ülkeler ve eski kurulabilir ülkelere olan değişikliklerden bahsediliyor. :Herkese merhaba, bugün 1.26 Mughals yamasıyla gelen yeni kurulabilir ülkeleri ve bu ülkelerin ulusal idealarını göstereceğim.
Dev Clash izleyenler Delhi’nin artık kurulabilir olduğunu görmüştür. Bir zamanlar Hindistan’ın neredeyse hepsini kontrolü altına alan bu görkemli imparatorluk, Timur’un gelmesiyle beraber zayıflamıştı. Şu an ülkenin başında olan Sayyid hanedanlığının şehri tutması zor gözüküyor çünkü hem komşuları Jaunpur hem de kendi vassalları Bahlul Lodi tahtı kendileri için istiyor. 1.26 ile Delhi’yi kurmak sadece özel görev ağacına değil, aynı zamanda yeni ulusal idealarına da erişebilmenizi sağlıyor.
Delhi İdeaları
Tradition: Cavalry Combat Ability +%15
Tradition: Diplomatic Reputation +1
- Yearly Army Tradition +0.50
- National Unrest -1
- Core-Creation Cost -%10
- Production Efficiency +%10
- Number of States +5
- Domestic Trade Power +%10
- Yearly Legitimacy +1
Ambition: Max Promoted Cultures +1
DLH_ideas = {
start = {
cavalry_power = 0.15
diplomatic_reputation = 1
bonus = {
num_accepted_cultures = 1
trigger = {
tag = DLH
free = yes
dlh_afghan_nobility = {
army_tradition = 0.5
dlh_suppress_rebellion = {
global_unrest = -1
dlh_expansionism = {
core_creation = -0.1
dlh_textile_innovation = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
dlh_reconquest = {
max_states = 5
dlh_grand_trunk = {
global_own_trade_power = 0.1
dlh_throne_of_india = {
legitimacy = 1
dlh_afghan_nobility:0 "Afghan Nobility"
dlh_afghan_nobility_desc:0 "Much of Delhi's nobility is drawn from the ranks of the Pashtun Afghans, a people with a long history of conquest and rule in northern India. Though at times a political hindrance, their martial skills are beyond question."
dlh_suppress_rebellion:0 "Suppress Rebellion"
dlh_suppress_rebellion_desc:0 "There are many potential sources of rebellion; the Afghan nobility, the Hindu populace, and disgruntled Rajputs may all become threats to our nation. The best policy when dealing with such threats is to violently suppress them before they erupt into disaster."
dlh_expansionism:0 "Restore the Delhi Empire"
dlh_expansionism_desc:0 "The Delhi Sultanate once encompassed nearly all of India. It must rise again!"
dlh_textile_innovation:0 "Promote Innovation in Textile Production"
dlh_textile_innovation_desc:0 "The thriving textile industry in Delhi makes our nation a center of technological innovation for the industry. As early adopters of the cotton gin and worm gear roller, we know the importance of staying ahead of the curve in these matters. We must now ensure that the spinning wheel is adopted as widely as possible."
dlh_reconquest:0 "Re-integrate Former Provinces"
dlh_reconquest_desc:0 "The once vast Delhi Sultanate has lost most of its former possessions, but we have not forgotten the means of administering them. As we work towards restoring our past glory, we will remind local rulers of their duties to the Sultan."
dlh_grand_trunk:0 "Protect the Grand Trunk Road"
dlh_grand_trunk_desc:0 "The Grand Trunk Road runs from Kabul in Afghanistan to the coast of Bengal. Many of the most important trading cities along its route are part of our Empire, and so it falls to us to ensure that the Road is well maintained and free of banditry."
dlh_throne_of_india:0 "The Throne of India"
dlh_throne_of_india_desc:0 "For centuries every great Indian empire has been ruled from Delhi. It is the seat of conquerors, and our birthright. All must know that Delhi is once again home to the rightful ruler of all India!"
Delhi’yi kurmak istemeyen Panjabi oyuncuları artık Sihizm’e geçtikten sonra Punjab’ı kurabilirler. Bu da Sih İmparatorluğu’nun kuruluşuna odaklanan yeni Hintli görev ağacının Sih dalını açacak.
Daha önceki günlüklerde de gösterdiğimiz gibi Nepal birkaç küçük ülkeye bölünmüş ve kurulabilir bir ülke olmuştu. Nepal militarist idealarını korurken bu küçük ülkeler kendi idealarına sahip.
Nepal Prenslikleri İdeaları
Tradition: Morale of Armies +%10
Tradition: Manpower Recovery Speed +%10
- Construction Cost -%10
- Merchants +1
- Tolerance of the True Faith +1
- Yearly Prestige +1
- Fort Defense +%15
- Stability Cost Modifier -%10
- Monthly Autonomy Change -%10
Ambition: Infantry Combat Ability +%10
nepalese_minor_ideas = {
start = {
land_morale = 0.10
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
bonus = {
infantry_power = 0.1
trigger = {
OR = {
primary_culture = pahari
primary_culture = nepali
free = yes
nep_construct_temples = {
build_cost = -0.1
nep_kashmiri_traders = {
merchants = 1
nep_new_festivals = {
tolerance_own = 1
nep_kavindra = {
prestige = 1
nep_seize_mountain_passes = {
defensiveness = 0.15
nep_judicial_reforms = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
nep_end_division_of_domains = {
global_autonomy = -0.05
nep_kashmiri_traders:0 "Invite Kashmiri Traders"
nep_kashmiri_traders_desc:0 "The merchants of Kashmir have extensive connections that span throughout India, Tibet, and Persia. We must convince some of them to visit our court so that we will be better informed about foreign markets and how they might be exploited."
nep_new_festivals:0 "Institute New Festivals"
nep_new_festivals_desc:0 "It is not enough to honor the gods by building temples; we must also celebrate them publicly by hosting regular festivals in their name. The deities most deserving of our affection are Indra, the King of Heaven, and Kumari, the living goddess who incarnates in the form of a young girl. As well as serving the gods, these festivals will also be popular among the common people."
nep_kavindra:0 "Kavindra"
nep_kavindra_desc:0 "Our ruler shall adopt the title of Kavindra, 'King of Poets'. All the people of Nepal will be moved by his works."
nep_construct_temples:0 "Continue Temple Construction"
nep_construct_temples_desc:0 "Each successive ruler of our nation continues the legacy of his predecessor by continuing the tradition of temple construction. Whether expanding existing temples, funding the development of new ones, or introducing new architectural styles, our rulers must continue to honor the gods."
nep_seize_mountain_passes:0 "Seize the Mountain Passes"
nep_seize_mountain_passes_desc:0 "Nepal's mountainous terrain forces armies to march through certain passes if they wish to reach their destination safely and quickly. We must identify every likely route into our nation, seize the territory, and fortify the passes so that our enemies will not be able to enter without taking heavy casualties."
nep_judicial_reforms:0 "Enact Judicial Reforms"
nep_judicial_reforms_desc:0 "The laws of our nation have until now been disorganized, unevenly enforced, and arbitrary. It is time to implement a code of laws that is simple, just, and easily applied."
nep_end_division_of_domains:0 "End the Division of Domains"
nep_end_division_of_domains_desc:0 "The domains of Nepalese princes have been growing ever smaller as their lands are divided between his sons upon the death of the king. We must institute a clear and single line of succession to keep our realm unified."
Hindistan’ın doğusuna gidersek, Orissa’nın vassal sürüsüne karşı koymayı cesaret edip yıkabilenler Orissa’yı kurabilecek. Orissa’yı kurunca onun özel görevlerine erişebilirsiniz ama bölgedeki tek seçeneğiz bu değil. Gonds ve Garjats’ı birleştirmeyi başaran Orta Hint ülkeleri Nagpur Krallığı’nı kurabilecek. Tarihsel olarak Gond krallıklarından biri tarafından kurulan ülke daha sonra Bhonsle Marathalarının yönetimine girip 18. yüzyıldaki en büyük Hint ülkelerinden biri olmuştu. Tüm yeni kurulabilir ülkeler gibi Nagpur’un da kendi özel ulusal ideaları var.
Nagpur İdeaları
Tradition: Morale of Armies +%15
Tradition: Agressive Expansion Impact -%15
- National Unrest -2
- Land Leader Maneuver +1
- Construction Cost -%10
- Yearly Army Tradition +0.50
- Shock Damage +%10
- Production Efficiency +%10
- Unjustified Demands -%25
Ambition: Leaders without Upkeep +1
NAG_ideas = {
start = {
ae_impact = -0.15
land_morale = 0.15
bonus = {
free_leader_pool = 1
trigger = {
tag = NAG
free = yes
nag_unite_gonds_and_garjats = {
global_unrest = -2
nag_harsh_terrain = {
leader_land_manuever = 1
nag_send_for_artisans = {
build_cost = -0.1
nag_invite_maratha_warriors = {
army_tradition = 0.5
nag_light_cav = {
shock_damage = 0.1
nag_cultivating_the_forest = {
production_efficiency = 0.1
nag_no_cb_best_cb = {
unjustified_demands = -0.25
nag_unite_gonds_and_garjats:0 "Unite the Gonds and Garjats"
nag_unite_gonds_and_garjats_desc:0 "The fractured tribes of Gonds and Garjats that inhabit Central India must be united under our rule. Old feuds and squabbles must be put to an end so that we can achieve our common goals."
nag_harsh_terrain:0 "Exploit Harsh Terrain"
nag_harsh_terrain_desc:0 "Much of our land is difficult for armies to traverse, much less to do battle on. Our own warriors have known this region for centuries and know how to exploit it to their advantage."
nag_send_for_artisans:0 "Send for Artisans"
nag_send_for_artisans_desc:0 "Nagpur is a new city, a new Kingdom. We must send for artisans and architects from all corners of India to develop our palaces, our infrastructure, and our temples to put Nagpur on the map."
nag_light_cav:0 "Light Cavalry Shock Tactics"
nag_light_cav_desc:0 "Heavy cavalry and cumbersome cannon make up a large portion of many Indian armies. By employing regiments of light cavalry, we can easily outflank and outrun our enemies, causing great damage where they least expect it."
nag_cultivating_the_forest:0 "Cultivating the Forest"
nag_cultivating_the_forest_desc:0 "The dense forests of Central India are not exactly renowned for their fertile farmlands. We must nevertheless ensure that we are able to grow enough food and extract enough wealth from our lands. It is time to begin clearing the forest to make room for our expansion."
nag_invite_maratha_warriors:0 "Invite Maratha Warriors"
nag_invite_maratha_warriors_desc:0 "Maratha warriors have erupted out of their homelands in Maharashtra. Many of their generals offer their services and their armies to rulers they deem worthy. We should court these generals to attract a new military caste into our nation."
nag_no_cb_best_cb:0 "Unjustified Expansion"
nag_no_cb_best_cb_desc:0 "Our enemies are weak and we are strong. They control rich lands that we desire for ourselves. What more reason should we need to take all that they have?"
Güney Hintliler artık Deccan (Haydarabad) Nizamlığı’nı kurabilecekler. Tarihsel olarak Babür yönetiminde valilik yapan Nizamlar, Deccan Platosunun büyük bölümünü içeren bağımsız bir ülke kurmuştu. Deccan’ı kurmak özel ulusal idealar dışında Bahmani görev ağacına da erişim sağlayacaktır.
Deccan İdeaları
Tradition: Morale of Armies +%10
Tradition: Administrative Efficiency +%5
- Max Promoted Cultures +1
- Administrative Free Policies +1
- Global Trade Power +%10
- Land Force Limit Modifier +%20
- Discipline +%5
- Diplomatic Reputation +1
- Goods Produced Modifier +%10
Ambition: Infantry Combat Ability +%10
DEC_ideas = {
start = {
administrative_efficiency = 0.05
land_morale = 0.1
bonus = {
infantry_power = 0.1
trigger = {
tag = DEC
free = yes
dakani_language = {
#Copied from BAH
dec_diwan_funding = {
free_adm_policy = 1
dec_foreign_trade_privileges = {
global_trade_power = 0.1
dec_empower_paigah = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.2
dec_modernize_the_sarf_e_khas = {
discipline = 0.05
dec_jewels_of_the_nizams = {
diplomatic_reputation = 1
dec_encourage_industries = {
global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
dec_diwan_funding_desc:0 "Let us divide our lands in three equal parts. One will go to the state itself, to care for our rulers and the treasury, one will belong to the nobility and other powerholders and the last third should be entirely dedicated to funding the needs of the Diwan. This way we ensure that all infrastructure projects are paid for fully without taxing other state incomes."
dec_foreign_trade_privileges:0 "Privileges for Foreign Traders"
dec_foreign_trade_privileges_desc:0 "The ports of Deccan attract traders from all over the world and it is from this trade that a great deal of our wealth derives. We must do what we can to safeguard the relationship between us and the foreign merchants who regularly invest in our state and come to redistribute our goods."
dec_empower_paigah:0 "Empower the Paigah"
dec_empower_paigah_desc:0 "Some families have been of greater service than others. We must reward our most ardent supporters and allow them great freedoms within our state. This way we will have entrenched faction of supporters that are always willing to contribute to our cause with men, officers and administrators."
dec_modernize_the_sarf_e_khas:0 "Modernize the Sarf-e-Khas"
dec_modernize_the_sarf_e_khas_desc:0 "While our troops have a proud heritage in military matters going back all the way to the 14th century we must also be open to evolve with our times. Let us invite any foreigners who have ideas we can make use of to modernize our armies. Drill, discipline and quick maneuvers is where the future lie and will be the only way to beat the enemies we will face in the future."
dec_jewels_of_the_nizams:0 "Jewels of the Nizams"
dec_jewels_of_the_nizams_desc:0 "Deccan is a land of great riches and for centuries the mines under our control have been the greatest, or indeed only, source of major diamonds in the entire world. Let us aspire to show these riches to the world, so that they are always aware of the splendour of our court. Emeralds, pearls, diamonds, rubies, and all other kind of stones will soon become synonymous with the mention of our name."
dec_encourage_industries:0 "Encourage Growth of Industries"
dec_encourage_industries_desc:0 "Our land is rich in raw materials but it does not have the same concentration of centers for manufacturing as in the north. Let us use the funds of the state to encourage the growth of private enterprise so that we will soon have a thriving sector of refined goods ourselves, that we can then export at the great trading ports we already control."
1756’dan alınan bu ekran görüntüsü Nagpur ve Deccan’ın dışında kurulabilen başka bir ülkeyi gösteriyor, Maratha İmparatorluğu’nu. Maratha 1.25’te zaten idealara sahipti ama 1.26 ile bunları geliştirip yeniden düzenledik.
Maratha İdeaları
Tradition: National Manpower Modifier +%10
Tradition: Manpower Recovery Speed +%15
- Cavalry Combat Ability +%15
- Fort Defense +%20
- Infantry Cost -%20
- Core-Creation Cost -%15
- Reform Progress Growth +%15
- Goods Produced Modifier +%10
- Ship Costs -%10
Ambition: Stability Cost Modifier -%10
MAR_ideas = {
start = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.15
global_manpower_modifier = 0.10
bonus = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
trigger = {
OR = {
tag = MAR #Marathas
tag = BDA #Baroda
AND = {
primary_culture = marathi
} #Sindhias of Gwalior
free = yes
tradition_of_military_service = {
cavalry_power = 0.15
forts_of_maharashtra = {
defensiveness = 0.20
peasant_soldiers = {
infantry_cost = -0.2
office_of_the_peshwa = {
core_creation = -0.15
encourage_ties_with_brahmin_financial_families = {
reform_progress_growth = 0.15
reform_the_bureaucracy = {
global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
expand_maratha_navy = {
global_ship_cost = -0.1
tradition_of_military_service:0 "Tradition of Military Service"
tradition_of_military_service_desc:0 "Maratha cavalrymen have a long tradition of service as 'Bargirs' for the Deccan sultanates. The increased militarization of the Deccan due to the many wars fought in the area has made our cavalry one of the most dangerous forces in India."
forts_of_maharashtra:0 "Forts of Maharashtra"
forts_of_maharashtra_desc:0 "In these hilly and densely forested lands keeping many and well maintaned forts is a necessity for offense as well as defense. Keeping our many forts well maintained should be a top priority."
peasant_soldiers:0 "Peasant Soldiers"
peasant_soldiers_desc:0 "The villages of the Desh are full with able men who would be more than willing to serve in our armies. Let us train and recruit all Marathi speakers to serve in our armies."
office_of_the_peshwa:0 "Office of the Peshwa"
office_of_the_peshwa_desc:0 "Let us create an office entirely devoted to the running of our state and its armies. With a skillfull minister in charge, the Peshwa, our country will be versatile enough to expand quickly and efficiently."
encourage_ties_with_brahmin_financial_families:0 "Strengthen ties with Brahmin Financial Families"
encourage_ties_with_brahmin_financial_families_desc:0 "The financial sector of our state is dominated by Brahmin banking families. Let us integrate them further in our state by hiring them as tax collectors, creating regulations to strengthen their rights and protect their traditions. We will have gained the favor of our financiers as well as access to able and learned administrators."
reform_the_bureaucracy:0 "Reform The Bureaucracy"
reform_the_bureaucracy_desc:0 "A growing state needs a bureaucracy capable of quickly assessing new lands. We must expand and differentiate our bureaucracy, reexamining any demands on revenue and quickly assess the demands and worth of new lands."
expand_maratha_navy:0 "Expand Maratha Navy"
expand_maratha_navy_desc:0 "Westerners and Muslims cannot be allowed to dominate the Indian Ocean. We must endevour to expand our navy and create viable naval bases along our western coast."
Mewar’ın yeni görev ağacını takip ederek 5130 yılında süper güç olma yolunda ilerleyen Rajputana’yı kurabilirsiniz. Mewar da yeni ulusal idealar aldı. Eklenen Rajput ideaları ile Rajput Alaylarınız daha güçlü olacak.
Rajputana İdeaları
Tradition: Morale of Armies +%10
Tradition: Military Free Policies +1
- Core-Creation Cost -%10
- National Manpower Modifier +%15
- Cavalry Combat Ability +%15, Movement Speed +%10
- Land Fire Damage +%10
- Tolerance of the True Faith +2
- Artillery Cost -%15
- Yearly Legitimacy +1
Ambition: Discipline +%5
Mewar İdeaları
Tradition: Infantry Cost -%20
Tradition: Infantry Combat Ability +%10
- Yearly Army Tradition Decay -%1
- Yearly Prestige +%1
- Fort Defense +%15
- Development Cost -%10
- National Manpower Modifier +%15
- Land Fire Damage +%10
- Discipline +%5
Ambition: Monthly War Exhaustion -0.03
RJP_ideas = {
start = {
free_mil_policy = 1
land_morale = 0.1
bonus = {
discipline = 0.05
trigger = {
tag = RJP
free = yes
rjp_imperial_legacy = {
core_creation = -0.1
rjp_land_of_petty_princes = {
global_manpower_modifier = 0.15
marwari_horses = {
cavalry_power = 0.15
movement_speed = 0.1
rjp_purbia_legacy = {
fire_damage = 0.1
rjp_protectors_of_the_dharma = {
tolerance_own = 2
rjp_expanded_artillery_arm = {
artillery_cost = -0.15
rjp_monumental_architecture = {
legitimacy = 1
rjp_imperial_legacy:0 "Imperial Legacy"
rjp_imperial_legacy_desc:0 "We have revived the imperial Ambitions of the Rajputs and reclaimed Kannauj and Avanti, once again forming the empire that once ruled all of northern India. Now Rajput warriors from all over the region are flocking to our banners, ready to die for the common cause."
rjp_land_of_petty_princes:0 "King of Petty Princes"
rjp_land_of_petty_princes_desc:0 "For centuries the Rajput realms have been divided into a myriad of petty kingdoms, fighting each-other more than our common enemies. With the many princes of Rajputana now united under one banner, ready to serve one common ruler, we will be an unstoppable force."
rjp_purbia_legacy:0 "Purbia Legacy"
rjp_purbia_legacy_desc:0 "Rajput gunners have a reputation throughout India and have at times been incorporated in many of the armies of sultanates and kingdoms alike. Now that we have united the Rajput kingdoms the experience they have with firearms will allow us to build a new type of army centered around the use of muskets, rockets and cannons."
rjp_protectors_of_the_dharma:0 "Protectors of the Dharma"
rjp_protectors_of_the_dharma_desc:0 "Few resisted outside invasions of India as much as the Rajput kingdoms of old. We are now the new bulwark of our faith, ready to defend the subcontinent from those that would impose their rule and their faith upon our people."
rjp_expanded_artillery_arm:0 "Expanded Artillery Arm"
rjp_expanded_artillery_arm_desc:0 "Sieges are what wins wars. We must experiment with ways of creating bigger and better cannon to bring down the many forts of our enemies within India and outside it."
rjp_monumental_architecture:0 "Monumental Architecture"
rjp_monumental_architecture_desc:0 "A new empire requires a new style. We must build upon the classical monumental architecture of Rajputana and Imperial Kannauj to create a new style worthy of our growing empire."
MER_ideas = {
start = {
infantry_power = 0.1
infantry_cost = -0.2
bonus = {
war_exhaustion = -0.03
trigger = {
tag = MER
free = yes
mer_rajput_heartland = {
army_tradition_decay = -0.01
mer_victory_tower = {
prestige = 1
mer_kumbhalgarh = {
defensiveness = 0.15
mer_city_of_lakes = {
development_cost = -0.1
mer_recall_purbias = {
global_manpower_modifier = 0.15
mer_firearm_drilling = {
fire_damage = 0.1
mer_reorganized_rajput_regiments = {
discipline = 0.05
mer_rajput_heartland:0 "Rajput Heartland"
mer_rajput_heartland_desc:0 "Mewar is both the geographical and political heart of Rajput culture. Rajputs throughout India look to us for guidance and grounding in our time-honored traditions."
mer_victory_tower:0 "Construct the Victory Tower"
mer_victory_tower_desc:0 "In our capital we shall construct an imposing tower that will dominate the landscape. Adorned with icons of the gods and inscriptions telling our noble deeds, the Tower of Victory will be a symbol of our endless quest for glory."
mer_kumbhalgarh:0 "The Fort of Kumbhalgarh"
mer_kumbhalgarh_desc:0 "Chittorgarh remains our largest and most vital fort, but we must not neglect the defenses of the rest of the realm. We must hire the most skilled architects to design impregnable forts throughout our kingdom, beginning with the strategic site of Kumbhalgarh. The immensely long walls that will be needed to protect the area make this an ambitious project, but our determination to defend our people shall ensure that it is done."
mer_city_of_lakes:0 "City of Lakes"
mer_city_of_lakes_desc:0 "Guided by the blessings of a wise hermit, our rulers have decided that it is time to build a magnificent new capital for our nation. Using dams to control the flow of the rivers, we shall create several artificial lakes from which we can draw fresh water for Udaipur, appropriately named the City of Lakes."
mer_recall_purbias:0 "Recall the Purbias"
mer_recall_purbias_desc:0 "The Rajputs have spread themselves throughout northern India in their pursuit of glory for their clan. It is time that we reminding them of their duty to their ancestral homeland; we shall send out word that all loyal Rajputs should come to serve at Mewar."
mer_firearm_drilling:0 "Mandatory Firearm Drills"
mer_firearm_drilling_desc:0 "Many Rajput soldiers have become experts in the use of personal firearms. We must put these hardened veterans to work training the next generation of soldiers rather than risking the loss of their expertise in battle. All of our soldiers must be drilled in firearms tactics before they are expected meet our enemies on the front line."
mer_reorganized_rajput_regiments:0 "Reorganized Rajput Regiments"
mer_reorganized_rajput_regiments_desc:0 "Traditional clan structures are an excellent foundation for a modernized regimental system. Existing hierarchies based on kinship and unconditional loyalty can be easily translated into an organized and formal chain of command."
Bharat veya Hindustan’ı kurmak 1444’teki hiçbir ülke için kolay olmayacak. Tüm Hindistan altkıtası üzerinde hak ilan etmeden önce gerçekten de Hindistan’ın hükümdarı olmanız gerekecek. Bu ülkeleri kurmak oldukça zorlaşmış olsa da yeni bir görev ağacını paylaşıyorlar ve kendilerine ait ulusal idealara sahipler.
Bharat İdeaları
Tradition: Stability Cost Modifier -%10
Tradition: State Maintenance -%15
- Cavalry Combat Ability +%15
- Max Promoted Cultures +2
- Technology Cost -%5
- Discipline +%5
- Tolerance of the True Faith +2
- Administrative Efficiency +%5
- Artillery Combat Ability +%10
Ambition: Year of Separatism -5
Hindustan İdeaları
Tradition: National Manpower Modifier +%20
Tradition: Number of States +5
- Infantry Combat Ability +%15
- Advisor Costs -%10
- Year of Separatism -5
- Yearly Legitimacy +1
- Land Fire Damage +%10
- Missionary Strength +%2
- Development Cost -%10
Ambition: Discipline +%5
BHA_ideas = {
start = {
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
state_maintenance_modifier = -0.15
bonus = {
years_of_nationalism = -5
trigger = {
tag = BHA
free = yes
bha_modernized_war_elephants = {
cavalry_power = 0.15
bha_united_india = {
num_accepted_cultures = 2
bha_sanskrit_golden_age = {
technology_cost = -0.05
bha_indian_army = {
discipline = 0.05
bha_ganga = {
tolerance_own = 2
bha_brahmin_administration = {
administrative_efficiency = 0.05
bha_rocketry = {
artillery_power = 0.1
bha_modernized_war_elephants:0 "Modernized War Elephant Tactics"
bha_modernized_war_elephants_desc:0 "With the increasing prevalence of artillery on the battlefield, we have cause to re-evaluate our war elephant tactics. We must outfit both our elephants and their mahouts with sufficient armor, expand their use in military logistics, and consider their applications in the field of siegecraft."
bha_united_india:0 "Unite the Subcontinent"
bha_united_india_desc:0 "The many people, cultures, languages, and nations that make up the Indian subcontinent shall be united; our diversity shall give us strength."
bha_sanskrit_golden_age:0 "Golden Age of Sanskrit Literature"
bha_sanskrit_golden_age_desc:0 "Sanskrit literature has been on the decline since the Islamic conquests of centuries prior. It is time to revive our most ancient textual traditions, introducing them to new generations of scholars and promoting a literate society across our nation."
bha_indian_army:0 "Indian Army"
bha_indian_army_desc:0 "A single army marching under one banner, a disciplined military force wearing a single uniform; this is our vision for the Indian army."
bha_ganga:0 "Ganga"
bha_ganga_desc:0 "Many Hindus worship the river Ganges as a goddess, bringing purity and redemption to the faithful. We implore pilgrims to visit the river banks to bathe in the sacred waters. Through Ganga, our nation is made pure."
bha_rocketry:0 "Develop Rocket Technology"
bha_rocketry_desc:0 "Iron-cased rockets have yet to be widely adapted for military purposes, yet their explosive power surely has tactical applications. We should experiment with this technology and test it on the battlefield."
bha_brahmin_administration:0 "Brahmin Administration"
bha_brahmin_administration_desc:0 "Brahmins have long been involved in state administration throughout India. It is time to institutionalize their role in the bureaucracy. This will at once cement their power in the state and in society, while also ensuring that the Brahmins understand that their role is administrative rather than political."
HIN_ideas = {
start = {
max_states = 5
global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
bonus = {
discipline = 0.05
trigger = {
tag = HIN
free = yes
hin_sepahi = {
infantry_power = 0.15
hin_persianate_court = {
advisor_cost = -0.1
hin_indian_empire = {
years_of_nationalism = -5
hin_peacock_throne = {
legitimacy = 1
hin_gunpowder_empire = {
fire_damage = 0.1
hin_sufism = {
global_missionary_strength = 0.02
hin_industrialization = {
development_cost = -0.1
hin_sepahi:0 "Sepahi"
hin_sepahi_desc:0 "Neglecting the importance of infantry soldiers has been the downfall of many would-be conquerors in India. We must ensure that our Sipahi infantry are equipped with the most effective firearms and drilled in the most modern tactics."
hin_indian_empire:0 "Imperial Indian Ambition"
hin_indian_empire_desc:0 "No ruler, be they Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Jain, has ever succeeded in conquering the entirety of India. We shall be the first universal rulers of India!"
hin_peacock_throne:0 "The Peacock Throne"
hin_peacock_throne_desc:0 "A great ruler must have a great throne. Adorned with every kind of precious jewel under the sun and inscribed with the names of our exalted monarchs, the Peacock Throne is truly splendorous."
hin_industrialization:0 "Proto-Industrialization"
hin_industrialization_desc:0 "Conditions in the Indian economy are ideal for rapid industrial expansion. As new technology becomes available for production, particularly in the textile industry, our pan-Indian state can ensure that it is adopted rapidly."
hin_gunpowder_empire:0 "Gunpowder Empire"
hin_gunpowder_empire_desc:0 "Mastery of gunpowder warfare is the key to mastery over India. Our cannons and muskets must strike such fear into our enemies' hearts that they will not willingly meet us directly on the battlefield. When the battle is joined, our tactics should focus on causing the greatest possible numbers of casualties and chaos in enemy ranks."
hin_persianate_court:0 "Persianate Courtly Culture"
hin_persianate_court_desc:0 "Persian language and courtly customs have become the most politically and scholarly in the Muslim world. Our own nation has enthusiastically adopted these customs, and in doing so we have attracted many skilled and educated Persian-speaking advisors whose services to our administration cannot be understated."
hin_sufism:0 "Patronize Sufi Missionaries"
hin_sufism_desc:0 "Muslim princes across the world compete to attract the wisest Sufi teachers. As our renown has grown, more of these Sufis have joined us. Towns are founded where they settle, often in previously inhospitable regions, and the local people are inspired to convert to Islam by the wisdom of the Sufis."
Bugünlük bu kadar! Gelecek hafta MP takımları ve yeni Hint kuşatma ekranı hakkında konuşacağız.
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Deccan ideaları inanılmaz iyi seviyede. 50 yıl geriye atsa bile pek bir önemi yok.
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Paradox'un 7 tane ideayı madde madde sıralamaya üşenip idea tanıtırken oyundan kod kopyalayıp koyması tembellikte ayrı bir boyut olabilir. Başka oyunlarda günlük için gif yapan, video hazırlayan, istatistik hazırlayan firmalar görüyoruz, Paradox tanıtacağı idealarda üşenip txt dosyasından kod paylaşıyor.
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Üyelik Yılı: 2016
07-08-2018, 17:39
(Son Düzenleme: 07-08-2018, 17:39, Düzenleyen: Voidian.)
Deccanı abartmışlar, tradition olarak Administrative Efficiency +%5 çok op olur. Her mp görürüz artık.