02-07-2017, 01:39
Medal of Honor Soundtrack
Alıntı:After playing Hearts of Iron for a while, I have become bored of the game's repetitive soundtrack. And then I remembered the best World War 2 themed soundtrack - Medal of Honor series soundtrack. Medal of Honor is a series of first-person shooter video games set in World War 2. So I, as a big Medal of Honor series fan, decided to make a mod containing a wide selection of music.This sound pack contains around 50 pieces of music.List of music:
• Medal of Honor:Main ThemeLocating Enemy PositionsMerker's Salt MineRjuken SabotageRoad to Berlin• Medal of Honor Underground:Escape From CasablancaThe Battle of Monte CassinoEach Night He Comes To Me• Medal of Honor Allied Assault:Main ThemeSeptember 1st 1939Attack on Fort SchmerzenColditz CastleFleeing the CatacombsLabyrinth of the MinotaurNordhausenSouth AfricaTaking Out the RailgunThe Jet Aircraft FacilityTiger TankThuringer Sturmgeist• Medal of Honor Frontline:Main ThemeApproaching the TarmacClipping Their WingsKleveburgManor House RallyThe Halftrack ChaseAfter the DropArnhem KnightsU-4902Shipyards of Lorient• Medal of Honor Rising Sun:Main ThemeBurmaHymn to Brothers LostJungle SwarmRequiem for the CaliforniaSingapore DocksStalking the CavesTaiko BrigadeTake OffTanaka's DeathThe Sewers• Medal of Honor European Assault:Dogs of War (Main Theme)Battle of the BulgeCasualities of WarNorth AfricaOne Man Can Make a DifferenceOperation ChariotRedball ExpressRussia, 1942The Desert RatsTo Stalingrad• Medal of Honor Pacific Assault:Main ThemeBoot CampPearl Harbor Ending• Medal of Honor Airborne:Main ThemeOperation HuskyOperation NeptuneOperation Varsity
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All music in this mod is owned by Electonic Arts.
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Ideals are peaceful, history is violent.