Video: Heroes of the Storm - Lunara Yenilenmesi
Blizzard'ın Lunara Rework'ü için paylaştığı resmi yazıyı aşağıdan inceleyebilirsiniz.

Alıntı:Launching on the PTR with today's (5/14) patch, we’re galloping into some devilish updates for both Lunara and Diablo. Read on for a high-level description of what’s changing, while you discover why we are excited for you to get your hands on these new and improved versions of the First Daughter of Cenarius and the Lord of Terror.
Getting Back to the Roots of the First Daughter of Cenarius

Our goals for this gameplay update are two-pronged: First, we wanted to add some additional gameplay to Lunara’s storm_ui_icon_lunara_wisp.jpgWisp ability and consolidate some storm_ui_icon_lunara_wisp.jpgWisp talents into something that we felt was a more interesting choice. Our second goal was to expand the playstyles available to Lunara by injecting more power into her Talent options. However, with adding so much more power into her talents, we’ve had to slightly reduce some of the power in her core abilities. We’ve had a blast testing Lunara in our internal playtests, and we’re excited to release her new and improved version into the wild!
Talent Preview:
Combining the functionality of some of Lunara’s older storm_ui_icon_lunara_wisp.jpgWisp (E) talents, Sentinel Wisp now grants bonus vision range and reveals an area after remaining in a bush for a few seconds.
Lowering the cooldown of storm_ui_icon_lunara_fullbloom.jpgCrippling Spores (W) if it’s cast while more than one enemy Hero is affected by storm_ui_icon_lunara_stiflingblossom.jpgNature's Toxin, Endless Spores rewards Lunara for dishing out damage to multiple members of the enemy team.
Intensifying Toxin is Lunara’s new Level 20 Storm Talent option that drastically ramps up the damage of storm_ui_icon_lunara_stiflingblossom.jpgNature's Toxin once an enemy reaches 3 stacks.

Bu Konudaki Yorumlar
RE: Heroes of the Storm - Lunara Rework - Yazar: reddga - 15-05-2018, 11:13

Konuyu Okuyanlar: 2 Ziyaretçi

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