Yeni Total War oyunu Facebook sayfasından duyruldu .
Announcing a new Total War era...
The year is 190CE. China is in turmoil. The Han Dynasty crumbles before the child-emperor. He is but a figurehead; a mere puppet for the tyrant warlord Dong Zhuo. It is a brutal and oppressive regime, and as Dong Zhuo’s power grows, the empire slips further into the cauldron of anarchy. But hope yet blossoms.
Three heroes, sworn to brotherhood in the face of tyranny, rally support for the trials ahead. Scenting opportunity, warlords from China’s great families follow suit, forming a fragile coalition in a bid to challenge Dong Zhuo’s remorseless rule. Will they triumph against the tyrant, or will personal ambition shatter their already crumbling alliance and drive them to supremacy?
The crucible fizzes. Allegiances shift. The fires of conflict stoke opportunity. Only one thing is certain: the very future of China will be shaped by its champions. Total War: Three Kingdoms is the next major historical strategy game in the award-winning Total War series.
Yıl MS 190. Çin kargaşa içinde.
Han Hanedanlığı, çocuk imparatorun karşısında parçalanıp dağılıyor.
Ancak, sembolik bir lider olan bu çocuk, tiran cenkbeyi Dong Zhuo’nun kuklasından başka bir şey değil.
Zalim ve baskıcı bu rejimde Dong Zhuo güç kazanmaya devam ederken, imparatorluk ise kargaşaya sürükleniyor.
Total War Three Kingdoms olacakmış ismi Milattan önce 190 yılındaki Çin iç savaşında geçiyor Konu olarak Oriental Empires oyununa benziyor .
Announcing a new Total War era...
The year is 190CE. China is in turmoil. The Han Dynasty crumbles before the child-emperor. He is but a figurehead; a mere puppet for the tyrant warlord Dong Zhuo. It is a brutal and oppressive regime, and as Dong Zhuo’s power grows, the empire slips further into the cauldron of anarchy. But hope yet blossoms.
Three heroes, sworn to brotherhood in the face of tyranny, rally support for the trials ahead. Scenting opportunity, warlords from China’s great families follow suit, forming a fragile coalition in a bid to challenge Dong Zhuo’s remorseless rule. Will they triumph against the tyrant, or will personal ambition shatter their already crumbling alliance and drive them to supremacy?
The crucible fizzes. Allegiances shift. The fires of conflict stoke opportunity. Only one thing is certain: the very future of China will be shaped by its champions. Total War: Three Kingdoms is the next major historical strategy game in the award-winning Total War series.
Yıl MS 190. Çin kargaşa içinde.
Han Hanedanlığı, çocuk imparatorun karşısında parçalanıp dağılıyor.
Ancak, sembolik bir lider olan bu çocuk, tiran cenkbeyi Dong Zhuo’nun kuklasından başka bir şey değil.
Zalim ve baskıcı bu rejimde Dong Zhuo güç kazanmaya devam ederken, imparatorluk ise kargaşaya sürükleniyor.
Total War Three Kingdoms olacakmış ismi Milattan önce 190 yılındaki Çin iç savaşında geçiyor Konu olarak Oriental Empires oyununa benziyor .
Yardım almaya alışan emir almaya da alışır.