20-02-2018, 15:42
Günlüğe sonradan yeni idealar eklenmiş.
# Manx ideas
KOI_ideas = {
start = {
global_sailors_modifier = 0.2
global_ship_cost = -0.1
bonus = {
discipline = 0.05
mann_stanleys = {
diplomats = 1
"The Stanley dynasty has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity for the Manx people. Their skill at diplomacy ensures the safety of the island from both political and military threats to our sovereignty."
mann_kings = {
core_creation = -0.10
"Despite its size, Mann is recognized as a de jure Kingdom. But what is a Kingdom without land? We must acquire more."
mann_tynwald = {
advisor_pool = 1
"The Tynwald is the Manx high court. The House of Keys, led by the most powerful families of Mann, act as a national jury that give advice on legal matters. As the state expands however, its administrative needs multiply. The Tynwald must become a permanent institution, akin to a parliament with the power to write new laws."
mann_and_the_isles = {
naval_morale = 0.15
"In centuries past Mann was the heart of a great realm that spanned across the Irish Sea. It is time to revive the tradition of shipbuilding so that we can restore this empire."
mann_act_of_settlement = {
global_unrest = -1
"It is time to finally settle the status of peasant landholding on Mann. The Act will guarantee the basic rights of citizens and become a basis for the future development of our constitution."
mann_burn_the_heretic = {
global_heretic_missionary_strength = 0.02
"Witchcraft and heresy are ever-present dangers to the faithful. Suffer not the witch and the heretic to live."
mann_act_of_revestment = {
diplomatic_annexation_cost = -0.15
“There are too many petty nobles holding minor titles and withholding rents from their land. The Act Of Revestment will revoke these titles so that the monarch can rule more directly."
CRN_ideas = {
start = {
global_regiment_recruit_speed = -0.10
production_efficiency = 0.1
bonus = {
land_morale = 0.10
crn_stannary_parliaments = {
global_unrest = -2
"The tin miners of Cornwall have long upheld their special legal rights. These include tax exemption and exclusive prospecting rights, but most importantly the right to be tried only before a Stannary Court with a jury composed of their fellow miners. A Stannary Parliament oversees and revises these rights, keeping the mining population productive and content."
crn_cornish_rebels = {
hostile_attrition = 1
"The Cornish people are quick to rise up against oppression and misrule. Hostile armies entering their lands receive an unfriendly welcome."
crn_prayer_book_traditionaliism = {
tolerance_own = 2
"Farmers, miners, and landlords alike are extremely reluctant to accept changes to religious prayer books. Many complain that prayer books written in English exclude a significant part of the population who speak only Cornish, though others point out they could not read the old Latin prayers either. Regardless, a traditionalist attitude to religion pervades Cornish society and binds it together."
crn_pirates_of_penzance = {
capture_ship_chance = 0.1
privateer_efficiency = 0.2
"Oh, better far to live and die. Under the brave black flag I fly, Than play a sanctimonious part,With a pirate head and a pirate heart."
crn_royalist_army = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.2
"Ever staunch monarchists, the Cornish people are quick to rally to the defence of the crown against republican revolutionaries. Despite Cornwall’s relatively low population, it can raise a surprisingly large levy of determined soldiers willing to fight for King and country."
crn_gear_rout = {
movement_speed = 0.15
"Even should we lose the war, enough of us will likely flee the field that they will live to fight again another day."
crn_arthurian_romanticism = {
prestige_decay = -0.01
"A recent revival of interest in Celtic culture has created an interest in Arthurian legend. Tintagel Castle is said to be the place of King Arthur's conception, and acts as a focal point of a renewed Celtic identity in Cornwall."
highland_scottish_ideas = {
start = {
garrison_size = 0.25
heir_chance = 0.5
bonus = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
hsc_the_wallace = {
land_morale = 0.15
"We reide of ane rycht famous of renowne,\nOf worthi blude that ryngis in this regioune,\nAnd hensfurth I will my proces hald,\nOf Wilyham Wallas yhe haf hard beyne tald."
hsc_highland_clans = {
hostile_attrition = 1
"The Highland clans are a contentious people. As much as they resent one another, they resent even more the prospect of foreign invaders ruling their ancestral lands. Of course, when the threat of foreign invasion is over, the clans will resume their infighting. There can only be one."
hsc_storm_the_castle = {
siege_ability = 0.10
"Whatever problems arise in the Highlands, few can be resolved without at some point storming a castle. Our experience in these matters goes back generations and is a highly transferable skill."
hsc_episcopalianism = {
religious_unity = 0.1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
"There are many competing ideas about how the Church in the Highlands should be structured and what doctrines should be adopted following the advent of the Reformation. We have opted to retain the hierarchical Bishopric model, which allows for both a clear structure for Church proceedings and a degree of doctrinal independence for clergymen."
hsc_highland_charge = {
shock_damage = 0.15
"Gunpowder weapons have revolutionized the battlefield, and the warriors of the Highlands must adapt. An aggressive new shock tactic has been developed by our generals. Our soldiers will run, preferably downhill, straight into the first enemy volley, firing as they go. After shooting, they will draw more traditional weapons and enter the melee. The speed required for this tactic necessitates that our warriors wear very little in the way of clothing however."
hsc_arming_act = {
global_manpower_modifier = 0.1
"Our oppressors would confiscate our weapons to rob us of the ability to resist. The Arming Act requires all Highlanders to own and train with a firearm."
hsc_ossian = {
prestige = 1
"The Romantic revival of Gaelic culture is exemplified in a collection of poems written under the pseudonym 'Ossian'. They tell ancient folkloric tales that remind the Highlanders of their storied past."
# Manx ideas
KOI_ideas = {
start = {
global_sailors_modifier = 0.2
global_ship_cost = -0.1
bonus = {
discipline = 0.05
mann_stanleys = {
diplomats = 1
"The Stanley dynasty has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity for the Manx people. Their skill at diplomacy ensures the safety of the island from both political and military threats to our sovereignty."
mann_kings = {
core_creation = -0.10
"Despite its size, Mann is recognized as a de jure Kingdom. But what is a Kingdom without land? We must acquire more."
mann_tynwald = {
advisor_pool = 1
"The Tynwald is the Manx high court. The House of Keys, led by the most powerful families of Mann, act as a national jury that give advice on legal matters. As the state expands however, its administrative needs multiply. The Tynwald must become a permanent institution, akin to a parliament with the power to write new laws."
mann_and_the_isles = {
naval_morale = 0.15
"In centuries past Mann was the heart of a great realm that spanned across the Irish Sea. It is time to revive the tradition of shipbuilding so that we can restore this empire."
mann_act_of_settlement = {
global_unrest = -1
"It is time to finally settle the status of peasant landholding on Mann. The Act will guarantee the basic rights of citizens and become a basis for the future development of our constitution."
mann_burn_the_heretic = {
global_heretic_missionary_strength = 0.02
"Witchcraft and heresy are ever-present dangers to the faithful. Suffer not the witch and the heretic to live."
mann_act_of_revestment = {
diplomatic_annexation_cost = -0.15
“There are too many petty nobles holding minor titles and withholding rents from their land. The Act Of Revestment will revoke these titles so that the monarch can rule more directly."
CRN_ideas = {
start = {
global_regiment_recruit_speed = -0.10
production_efficiency = 0.1
bonus = {
land_morale = 0.10
crn_stannary_parliaments = {
global_unrest = -2
"The tin miners of Cornwall have long upheld their special legal rights. These include tax exemption and exclusive prospecting rights, but most importantly the right to be tried only before a Stannary Court with a jury composed of their fellow miners. A Stannary Parliament oversees and revises these rights, keeping the mining population productive and content."
crn_cornish_rebels = {
hostile_attrition = 1
"The Cornish people are quick to rise up against oppression and misrule. Hostile armies entering their lands receive an unfriendly welcome."
crn_prayer_book_traditionaliism = {
tolerance_own = 2
"Farmers, miners, and landlords alike are extremely reluctant to accept changes to religious prayer books. Many complain that prayer books written in English exclude a significant part of the population who speak only Cornish, though others point out they could not read the old Latin prayers either. Regardless, a traditionalist attitude to religion pervades Cornish society and binds it together."
crn_pirates_of_penzance = {
capture_ship_chance = 0.1
privateer_efficiency = 0.2
"Oh, better far to live and die. Under the brave black flag I fly, Than play a sanctimonious part,With a pirate head and a pirate heart."
crn_royalist_army = {
land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.2
"Ever staunch monarchists, the Cornish people are quick to rally to the defence of the crown against republican revolutionaries. Despite Cornwall’s relatively low population, it can raise a surprisingly large levy of determined soldiers willing to fight for King and country."
crn_gear_rout = {
movement_speed = 0.15
"Even should we lose the war, enough of us will likely flee the field that they will live to fight again another day."
crn_arthurian_romanticism = {
prestige_decay = -0.01
"A recent revival of interest in Celtic culture has created an interest in Arthurian legend. Tintagel Castle is said to be the place of King Arthur's conception, and acts as a focal point of a renewed Celtic identity in Cornwall."
highland_scottish_ideas = {
start = {
garrison_size = 0.25
heir_chance = 0.5
bonus = {
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
hsc_the_wallace = {
land_morale = 0.15
"We reide of ane rycht famous of renowne,\nOf worthi blude that ryngis in this regioune,\nAnd hensfurth I will my proces hald,\nOf Wilyham Wallas yhe haf hard beyne tald."
hsc_highland_clans = {
hostile_attrition = 1
"The Highland clans are a contentious people. As much as they resent one another, they resent even more the prospect of foreign invaders ruling their ancestral lands. Of course, when the threat of foreign invasion is over, the clans will resume their infighting. There can only be one."
hsc_storm_the_castle = {
siege_ability = 0.10
"Whatever problems arise in the Highlands, few can be resolved without at some point storming a castle. Our experience in these matters goes back generations and is a highly transferable skill."
hsc_episcopalianism = {
religious_unity = 0.1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
"There are many competing ideas about how the Church in the Highlands should be structured and what doctrines should be adopted following the advent of the Reformation. We have opted to retain the hierarchical Bishopric model, which allows for both a clear structure for Church proceedings and a degree of doctrinal independence for clergymen."
hsc_highland_charge = {
shock_damage = 0.15
"Gunpowder weapons have revolutionized the battlefield, and the warriors of the Highlands must adapt. An aggressive new shock tactic has been developed by our generals. Our soldiers will run, preferably downhill, straight into the first enemy volley, firing as they go. After shooting, they will draw more traditional weapons and enter the melee. The speed required for this tactic necessitates that our warriors wear very little in the way of clothing however."
hsc_arming_act = {
global_manpower_modifier = 0.1
"Our oppressors would confiscate our weapons to rob us of the ability to resist. The Arming Act requires all Highlanders to own and train with a firearm."
hsc_ossian = {
prestige = 1
"The Romantic revival of Gaelic culture is exemplified in a collection of poems written under the pseudonym 'Ossian'. They tell ancient folkloric tales that remind the Highlanders of their storied past."