Bu mod oyuna yeni yapayzeka kişilikleri ekliyor, böylelikle oyunlarınızda çok daha farklı AI ile karşılaşabiliyorsunuz.
Yeni Eklenen Kişilikler
- Adventure Seekers
- Aspiring Precursors
- Benign Spirits
- Bringers of Paradise
- Carefree Hippies
- Civilized Nomads
- Connoisseurs of Food
- Cosmopolitan Imperials
- Cultivated Scholar-Gentry
- Defenders of the Faith
- Depraved Breeders
- Dwellers in the Ephemeral
- Efficient Bureaucrats
- Elitist Snobs
- Enforcers of Law
- Enterprising Corsairs
- Experts in Xenocide
- Flowers of War
- Generous Philanthropists
- Guerilla Fighters
- Haughty Supremacists
- Hedonistic Visionaries
- Hopeless Pessimists
- Insecure Imitators
- Insidious Opportunists
- Inspired Dreamers
- Lazy Managers
- Middle Kingdom
- Melodious Composers
- Naive Appeasers
- Nonaligned Preservationists
- Outcast Pariahs
- Patronizing Colonizers
- Plunderers of Knowledge
- Princes of Madness
- Proud Nationalists
- Psychotic Hordes
- Quiet Cultists
- Reclusive Hermits
- Sadistic Loremasters
- Savage Raiders
- Slave Soldiers
- Slave Traders
- Splendid Isolationists
- Storytelling Aficionados
- Studious Builders
- Sublime Porte
- Surgeons of Beauty
- Totalitarian Patriots
- Total Nutcases
- Trapped in a Machine
- Unfathomable Artificers
- Valiant Hearts
- Warrior Mystics
- Xenial Merrymakers