1.3.1 yaması ile çeşitli hatalar giderilmiş.
- Kaybolan gemiler artık rally pointe sahip oldukları veya onarılabilecekleri limanlara ulaşmaya öncelik gösterecekler.
- Tutorial'i kapattığınızda artık danışmanınızın RAM'ını geridönüşüme verip 2 mineral elde edebileceksiniz.
- Nüfusları sektörler arası taşıma üzerindeki kısıtlamalar kaldırıldı.
- İmparatorluklar artık anklavlarla iletişime geçtikleri sistem üzerinde yüksek intele sahip oluyorlar.
- Purge işlemi artık tüm nüfusun büyümesini etkiliyor.
- Artık savaştayken saldırmazık antlaşması öneremiyorsunuz.
# Balance
* Scaled spawn chance of the second Enclave station of each type has been doubled, resulting in 24/64/96/100/100% spawn rate in Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Huge galaxies
* Scaled spawn chance of the third Enclave station of each type has been increased, resulting in 18/48/72/96/100% spawn rate in Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Huge galaxies
* Civilian fleets can now emergency FTL much faster than military ones
* Reduced frequency of planets with Stone Age Primitives
* 'Alien Overlords' happiness modifier is now affected by policy happiness modifier
#Diplomacy & War
* Reduced the extra warscore cost for taking Capitals
#Encounters & End Game Crises
* Unbidden Escort ship base evasion reduced from 80 to 20
* Swarm orbital bombards
* Swarm changes bombardment stance
* Swarm only builds stations within borders
* Swarm sends fleet if it's small but can't be merged
* Swarm can now use Full Orbital Bombardment
# AI
* AI no longer uses torpedoes until cruisers are available
* Fixed bug causing sectors to destroy empire and planet unique buildings when redevelopment is toggled off
* Fixed a case where sectors would not properly keep pops enslaved
* Sector AI now only builds military stations in systems with colonies, outpost stations and wormhole stations
* AI countries who join the League of Non-Aligned Powers will now always stay in it for at least 20 years
* AI will no longer ask you to become their vassal multiple times in a row
* Fixed bug causing AI not to build stations
* Fixed bug causing AI to build empire and planet unique buildings just to destroy them a second after
* AI does no longer know that player is building a Spaceport
* Fixed bug that caused AI not to build armies sometimes
# User Interface
* Save game incompatibility is indicated by gray text
* Expansion planner shows colony ship type
# Graphics
* Added new environment for Gaia planet, added new surface tiles for savannah and alpine, and fixed the LUT for alpine and savannah planets
* Stellar Devourer spawn VFX duration reduced to 1 day
* Added missing tech icon for tomb world adaptation
# Bugfixes
* Frontier Hospital technology now properly requires Frontier Health
* Fleets can now attack during warp drive wind-down
* Added missing localization for Kicked from Federation notification text
* Added missing localization for Federation Association Request
* Added missing localization for Federation Association Ended
* Added missing component set for Enigmatic Disruption Field which broke localization
* Display all DLCs enabled by the host for clients in the multiplayer lobby
* Fixed Fallen Empires spamming threats and remove flag effect being shown in tooltips
* Transports now also showing fleet status
* Fixed some events attempting to spawn removed ship designs
* Slaver mandate is no longer valid if the country's policies disallow slavery
* Fixed a bug where Colony Influence Cost would sometimes be too high
* Fixed Alpine and Savannah worlds not counting towards the Habitable Worlds Survey event chain
* Fixed CTD caused by ships trying to shoot at entities that did not exist
* Fixed an issue with a slave faction tooltip
* Fixed CTD when an event timed out without any valid options
* The event window will now properly close when the event times out
* Fixed visual artifacts on pulsar and neutron stars
* Added missing localization for Plantoid 4 name list
* Launcher DLC tab scrollbar appears with correct position and size when content overflows container
* Founder species now changes when no pops of that species exist after gene modification
* No longer possible to generate infinite resources by trading non-existent resources
* No longer possible to trade last resource via multiple trade deals
* Tooltip for sector settings was missing localization
* Fixed bug causing ship designer to choose components that haven't yet been researched by player
* Rebuilding Automated Dreadnought now gives you a ship with the same FTL system you have
* Fixed a bug where robots could sometimes get ethics
* Don't send double notification messages when notifying all communications
* Fixed mapicons showing 100% habitability after building a robot pop
* Colonization orders only cancel if player lacks resources when resources haven't yet been allocated. Canceling colonization order for colony ship built via expansion planner returns allocated resources.
* Special projects in the same option group which time out on the same day no longer get blocked from failing properly
* Fix an Infinity Machine event bug where a Spiritualist empire modifier from the Infinity Machine would be removed from one empire if the Infinity Machine killed a fleet from another empire
* Second Infinity Machine contact event will no longer occur if Infinity Machine is hostile
* Wrong event will no longer fire if fleet is destroyed by Infinity Machine
* Dimensional Horror special project now appears in system view
* DPS calculator and military power now take ship firing speed modifiers into account
* Fixed missing graphics on sanctuary guardians
* Fixed conflicting traits for Kel-Azaan
* Fixed materialist Fallen Empire task not giving opinion boost
* Fixed bug causing wrong player to get removed from federation in multiplayer
* Fixed CTD when using polish or russian on Linux/OSX
* Fixed CTD caused by game not having write privileges to its cache files